How We Hire: Crystal Clear, Every Step of the Way

What to Expect

Some interviews leave you with more questions than answers. That’s not the VideoAmp way. We value transparency, from call one to week one. We’ll introduce you to our mission, values and culture so you can have a clear picture of who we are. And we’ll stick to a timeline that won’t leave you refreshing your inbox for weeks — in fact, our goal is to make an offer within 14 days of our first interview together.

Begin your journey with us by selecting a path that aligns with your background and expertise, or check out our hiring timeline here.


Learn how we hire kickass engineers, product developers and all other forms of tech wizards.

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Sales + Marketing

Explore our hiring process for revenue, marketing and customer success backgrounds.

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All Core Roles

We hire for a range of skills, from financial experts to people-team professionals to legal reps.

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Our Hiring Timeline

Phase 01

The Interview Process

Phase 02

The Offer Process

Phase 03


The Interview Process

Interviews help us assess your ability to work under the VideoAmp mission. You'll have the opportunity to meet several Vampers along the way and learn more about our culture. We aim to wrap up interviews in 14 business days.

See our interview structure

The Offer Process

You're finished with interviews and you've received an offer — congratulations! Our next step is to schedule a call for you and your Talent Advisor to go over the specs: your role and compensation, our company culture and any questions you have that can help you make your decision. We'll contact you with next steps 24 hours after your final interview — whether we're moving forward or it's not the best fit at this time.


Everyone at VideoAmp is stoked you've accepted your offer! Before your start date, we'll send you all necessary paperwork, health benefits information, payroll forms, laptop, onboarding plan and anything you need for a comfortable work setup. Welcome to the team, Vamper!

The Interview Rundown

01 / Beginning

Intros and Setting the Tone

We start our interviews casually so you can relax and be yourself. We'll introduce ourselves and explain how the role you've applied for fits into our larger team and company culture. We keep an open mind here so you never have to worry about first impression bias.

02 / Middle

Values-Based Questions + Talent Assessment

We'll spend the majority of our time asking value-focused questions about your prior experience. Then we'll probe a bit deeper with the ATOLA Framework (Actions, Thinking, Outcome, Learnings, Application). This way, we get a better picture of how your individual skills and leadership style would look at VideoAmp.

03 / End

Answer Questions

At the end of your interview, we'll answer any questions you have. We recommend coming prepared with questions about the role, our company culture and our product. Afterward, we aim to contact you with next steps within 24-48 hours.

Our Values

Throughout the hiring process, we champion our values by creating an atmosphere where you can be a successful candidate — and show off your potential to be a culture contributor at VideoAmp.

Demonstrate consistently strong performance and support your teammates so others can rely on you. Be authentic, candid and warm while always ensuring consistency between your words and actions. Own your mistakes, fix them, and act with humility.

Automate or outsource all repetitive and low-value tasks. Spend a high majority of time on unsolved high-value problems. Optimize input to output ratios and gain leverage.

There’s no instruction manual. Make wise decisions despite ambiguity. Use data to hone your intuition and thrive on change. Find meaningful connections that others miss.

Take smart risks, ship it fast and iterate. Value speed and rapid recovery over error prevention; no lives are at risk. Our biggest threat is the lack of innovation.

Be positive in all situations and make people feel better about themselves. Have fun every day and make it contagious. Help people find meaning in their personal and professional lives.

Never sacrifice your health and wellbeing. Grow your physical, mental, financial and spiritual wellness in harmony with your personal and professional responsibilities.

Learn and grow faster than anyone in your peer set. Proactively extract raw and direct feedback about yourself. Think big and help others think big.

Focus on results over process. Deliver an unbelievable amount of constant and valuable work throughput. Be a legend by making more legends.

Ready to get started?

Explore our job listings and get ready to take your career to the next level. Check out our open roles here.